On March 8th, Bay-C and other celebrities will participate in the Melbourne Cricket Club 5k Run. In a time where Jamaica offers several different marathons annually, artistes and celebrities have a choice on which event to lend their name, time, voice and energy to. Originally brought to his attention by his manager Shelly-Ann Curran and the John John Music Group team, the Melbourne Cricket Club 5k Run is one that Bay-C has committed to. The event will donate part of its proceeds to the Jamaica Special Olympics and Sickle Cell Unit. Bay-C has so far recorded an ad for the event, promoted the event on local interviews and is slated to run at the event. ‘It’s just a small contribution to two extremely worthy causes, sickle cell and disabilities. Any way that I can add value to the work of the Melbourne Cricket Club, bring more awareness to these causes and offset some of their expenses in the process makes it worthwhile for me. Its part of our responsibility as celebrities’ quoted Bay-C on his Instagram account recently.